Saturday, April 16, 2011

DJ Zucca Black

my cat is amazing.  he can play the guitar.  wait. 
 no he can't.  that's why he's a DJ.

Friday, April 15, 2011


there isn't much to say today... woke up around 11am and started drinking coffee.  plans today include a lot of work on the ranch, gathering supplies required to accomplish said work and maybe having our friend Bob over for some venison.
the heat has been out for a few days and with evening temps dipping below the freezing mark it's been pretty chilly in the house.
we did manage to get the wood stove lit, however, and of course now i'm a little too warm.
but, what are ya gonna do?
bitch cuz you're cold.
bitch cuz you're hot.
in totally unrelated news!
i think i'm going to buy a carhartt vest at Murdock's ranch supply today.
i'll post pics if i do.
and i'll blog more later if anything interesting happens.
rainy adventures to town.

old self portrait sketch

general feelings of laziness

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ambien, clonodine and sativa banana bread To Set TH\e Stage

i can't keep up with comics well enough to be able to enjoy all of Warren Ellis's work the way i'd like so his novels will be far easier for me to consume.  Crooked Little Vein opened something in me and a beast crawled out on all fours screaming at me to write. relentless diatribes spat in my face by this thing warren birthed in my head like a cockroach of genius taking a shit on my brain and then laying eggs, innumerable tortures await me having to live with this thing,

If You're Bored Then You're boring.

The past few days have been hectic to say the least.  several trips into town, cleaning up a metric ton of dog shit inside the house, housework, and baking.
 i managed to outline the track listing for the upcoming ghostwitch album to be released on farmageddon records and sent a couple demos to my guys to learn.
i've written maybe three additional pages for my as of yet untitled steampunk novel but major plot points are coming together nicely in my head.  now to get them on paper.
the days have been grey and chilly for the most part until yesterday.  sunshine melted a good bit of snow around the ranch, exposing brown grass that cannot turn green fast enough to suit me.
i hope to write ten to fifteen pages over the next two days but i have a feeling that won't happen. i also need to write the second verse and nail down the chorus for a new song called 'blood in the dirt'.
our friends mark and amber flew home today so i should have less dog damage to clean, allowing me some free time and less vomiting.
deer in my backyard

tulpa black feeding birds

deer behind the main house

Niko.  shit is a weapon.

a bowl full of business.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's Just Thursday

i received an email from a record label i've been talking to for several months and they are going to fly some of my band (the ghostwitch family band) out here to Montana to record an album at a studio in Bozeman.  i'm fukkin' stoked.  it's been a while since i saw my friends and even longer since i was able to play any music with them.  now we're going to be releasing an album on a label together.

i didn't do any writing today but i plan to tomorrow.  M. Blackhorn has just passed out high and drunk and burned his hotel to the ground because he failed to extinguish his cigarette.  fucking loser.

the deer came back and fed in my yard today and then there was a snowstorm at sunset.  with the sun out.
but i didn't take any pictures because fuck you.
the ghostwitch family band minus drummer vincent black

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Early Morning, Unplanned.

sometimes i wake up at the ass crack and can't go back to sleep.  today is one of those days.  i gave in to wakefulness around 6am and it was still pitch black out.  as the world around me came awake, everything became blue. and now, it is white.
snowflakes are collecting again on the ground.  i know Montana is known for this kind of behavior but i'm starting to wonder if this winter will ever end.
the second pot of coffee is brewing and i have plenty of cigarettes so i think it's time to write.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

5pringtime 5now

what have i done today?  nothing.  i made dinner and that was my crowning achievement.  it was amazing, however.
more interestingly, it snowed today.  not like a nice, soft smattering of white, though.  a fuck-blizzard of near biblical proportions with tree snapping winds and flakes mixed with hail and sunshine.

although i failed to get pictures, three deer came to feed in my backyard this afternoon before hell broke loose. i'll try and photograph them if they return tomorrow.

i got ZERO writing done today because of errands to town and cleaning up dogshit in the main house.  yes, we are watching two dogs and one is a brat.  he enjoys crapping all over the house as soon as his mommy leaves town.  and of course mommy doesn't believe me so expect photographic evidence posted here.

i am currently 47 whole pages into the first draft of my work in progress.  My MC is M. Blackhorn.  i thought i would change his name at some point because it was only supposed to be temporary but he seems to like the name and has grown into it.
you'll have a chance to meet him soon. cross my heart.
imagine Han Solo, Dr. Gonzo and Jack Sparrow mixed in a vat of absinthe spiked with laudanum and acid.   then, you may have some inkling of who M. Blackhorn is.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This Excitement May Be Too Much For My Elderly Heart.

out of coffee.  too lazy to go to town (45 minutes one way) so i went to the main house to make a kurig cup of french roast but i don't think it's doin' the trick.
working on my novel but i've only written about a page and a half since i got up.  not much happening there.  
we made multi-colored cupcakes of doom yesterday and to my chagrin, they are almost gone already.
looks like we'll be making a double batch next time.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Time Machine

since this is a new blog and i've actually experienced some interesting things over the past few months, i've decided to post a re-cap to get those of you don't know me up to speed.

ok.  so, we discovered an absinthe not yet regulated by the FDA which contains a higher than normal thujone level.
what is thujone, you ask?
Made in western montana, Ridge Distillery Absinthe is as good as any vintage european bottle i've had and is legal to purchase here in the US.

in february, my girlfriend Tulpa Black and i took our first train to Seattle, WA to see an awesome band called Murder By Death.  We fell in love with seattle and never wanted to leave.  i see us spending more time there in the near future.  we hit the Pike Place Market and the Seattle Aquarium.  of course, we had a lot of starbucks.  we were able to afford it by staying in a hostel called the Green Turtle.
i was a bit leery about staying in a communal hostel situation but it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable aspects of our trip.  i wonder who got the "going bananas" banana bread we left in the community fridge?
we got a chance to explore the Capitol Hill area on our last day in Seattle and found an awesome shop called Mishu.  i bought a fleece jacket that looks like it was made in Lothlorien and Tulpa got a top and a skirt.  pretty steampunk stuff, for the most part. and all of their clothes are designed by the owner and made in india.
Oh, yeah... and i found the word 'cunt' in a game of Wurdle.  that was pretty exciting.
Absinthe before the louche
the green faerie
Tulpa Black at Starbucks in Seattle, WA
totem pole in seattle, wa

Seattle Aquarium

Tulpa Black in Seattle, WA

In The Beginning...

i created the heaven and the earth.
not really, but some days i have to convince myself that i did if i am to make it through.
this is my new blog wherein i will chronicle my writing and the general adventures of my life.
capitalization will be reserved for the actual writing of novels and formal correspondences with friends and enemies.
which is not to say that i deem this thing you're currently reading to be a lesser form or a waste of your precious time.
I simply cannot be bothered to touch the 'shift' key for each new sentence.
you see, i am a shite typist and rather lazy.  most proper names, however, will be capitalized.

so.  here it is.
my day, thus far today, has consisted of stumbling out of bed around 11:45am here in kalispell, MT, making coffee,  waiting with much pain for it to brew, smoking some cigarettes, drinking the coffee, and lurking the Absolute Write message boards.
i worked on my WIP for about an hour which i will be getting back to as soon as i post this blog.