more interestingly, it snowed today. not like a nice, soft smattering of white, though. a fuck-blizzard of near biblical proportions with tree snapping winds and flakes mixed with hail and sunshine.
although i failed to get pictures, three deer came to feed in my backyard this afternoon before hell broke loose. i'll try and photograph them if they return tomorrow.
i got ZERO writing done today because of errands to town and cleaning up dogshit in the main house. yes, we are watching two dogs and one is a brat. he enjoys crapping all over the house as soon as his mommy leaves town. and of course mommy doesn't believe me so expect photographic evidence posted here.
i am currently 47 whole pages into the first draft of my work in progress. My MC is M. Blackhorn. i thought i would change his name at some point because it was only supposed to be temporary but he seems to like the name and has grown into it.
you'll have a chance to meet him soon. cross my heart.
imagine Han Solo, Dr. Gonzo and Jack Sparrow mixed in a vat of absinthe spiked with laudanum and acid. then, you may have some inkling of who M. Blackhorn is.
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