Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If You're Bored Then You're boring.

The past few days have been hectic to say the least.  several trips into town, cleaning up a metric ton of dog shit inside the house, housework, and baking.
 i managed to outline the track listing for the upcoming ghostwitch album to be released on farmageddon records and sent a couple demos to my guys to learn.
i've written maybe three additional pages for my as of yet untitled steampunk novel but major plot points are coming together nicely in my head.  now to get them on paper.
the days have been grey and chilly for the most part until yesterday.  sunshine melted a good bit of snow around the ranch, exposing brown grass that cannot turn green fast enough to suit me.
i hope to write ten to fifteen pages over the next two days but i have a feeling that won't happen. i also need to write the second verse and nail down the chorus for a new song called 'blood in the dirt'.
our friends mark and amber flew home today so i should have less dog damage to clean, allowing me some free time and less vomiting.
deer in my backyard

tulpa black feeding birds

deer behind the main house

Niko.  shit is a weapon.

a bowl full of business.

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